French delegation of Algeria-France parliamentary friendship group visits Sahrawi refugee camps

Smara (Refugee Camps), September 20, 2014 (SPS) - A French delegation of Algeria-France Parliamentary Friendship Group, led by its head Patrick Mennucci, has started Friday a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps to enquire about their situation.
The visit "is an opportunity to enquire about the situation of the Sahrawi refugees and the difficult humanitarian conditions in which they are living in the camps, far from anything read in book or reported by the media or on the Net," said Mennuci upon his arrival.
"This visit doesn't in any way represent the official position of France, but it is an opportunity for the French MPs to see with their own eyes the difficult humanitarian situation of Sahrawi refugees since 37 years," he said.
"We have an important humanitarian role to play towards Sahrawi people, as French MPs, and also a political role among French MPs and politicians, said Mennuci.
For their part, the Sahrawis expressed readiness for peaceful solution to the conflict, and their refusal to yield an inch of their despoiled territory and their natural resources exploited by others.
The French MPs will be received by Sahrawi President Mohamed Abdelaziz and Speaker of Sahrawi Parliament Khatri Eddouh. (SPS)