In a letter addressed to Ki-moon following Moroccan violent attack on Saharawi peaceful demonstrators in occupied El Aaiun on Tuesday, President Mohamed Abdelaziz called for taking all necessary measures to halt Moroccan oppression and torture against the innocent Saharawi civilians.
He emphasized the need to speedily give the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) the mandate to protect, monitor and report about human rights, like all other UN missions in the world.
He also called on UN chief to act so that Morocco release all the Saharawi political prisoners, especially of which Gdeim Izik detainees, denouncing military trials carried out against Saharawi civilians.
It is to be noted that Moroccan occupying forces on Tuesday intervened violently against peaceful Saharawi demonstrators in the occupied city of El Aaiun, leaving more than 40 injured.
The violent incident took place in parallel with the visit by a delegation of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) to the occupied territories of Western Sahara