Zimbabwe National Assembly Speaker affirms unbroken support to Saharawi cause

Harare, August 20, 2015 (SPS) - Speaker of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe, Mr. Jacob Mudenda, has renewed his country’s endless support to the legitimate struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence, in a meeting with Saharawi ambassador Deich Mohamed Saleh.
Mr. Jacob reaffirmed the principled position to Saharawi cause has long shown by the Republic of Zimbabwe in the international forums.
“Africa is seized with the continued suffering of the Saharawi people due to the illegal occupation of their country by Moroccan Kingdom,” said the Zimbabwean official, adding that AU member states agree on the on need to decolonize the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic through a referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people.
Saharawi ambassador, for his part, expressed surprise for international community’s silence before the gross violations of human rights and continued looting of Western Sahara natural resources carried out by Moroccan authorities.
The two sides examined the current situation in Western Sahara in the light of AU’s strong engagement in the action for ending the state of occupation in Africa’s last colony.
They also studied ways to strengthen the bilateral relations happily exist between the two legislative institutions.