Boumerdes (Algeria), Aug 4, 2014 (SPS) - The international community is now convinced of the impossibility of solving the issue of Western Sahara without “the Sahrawi people’s legitimate right to self-determination” said Sunday in Boumerdes Mr. Salem Lebsir, member of the Polisario Front national secretariat and head of the political organization secretariat.
The plans of the Moroccan regime and its approaches for solutions out of self-determination have failed,” just like “its attempts of military occupation by force, extermination war and diplomatic manoeuvres,” said Lebsir in his inaugural speech of the Summer University of Polisario Front and Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) executives.
He also revealed, in consequence, a “step back” of the Moroccan regime in the pursuit of negotiations and its “rejection of UN Secretary General special envoy visits” as well as its “dissatisfaction” with the last report presented by Ban Ki Moon to the UN Security Council.
Today, the UN clearly states that it is no longer possible to accept the status quo and must move forward towards a fair solution respecting the Sahrawi people’s will,” underlined the Sahrawi official, adding that the UN Secretary General has set April 2015 as the deadline for a decision by the Security Council if “no progress is observed.”
For Lebsir, all these facts put the Moroccan occupation regime in a “real embarrassment” given “the clear support positions to the Sahrawi people expressed by various bodies and international fora,” he said. (SPS)